Monday, September 19, 2016

Presidential Candidate Campaign Issues Project

Presidential Candidate Campaign Issues Project

Directions: Your task is to work with a partner and create a Microsoft PowerPoint Slideshow about one of the presidential candidates political beliefs. Once you complete the PowerPoint you and your partner must present the PowerPoint to the class.


§  Each Slideshow must have AT LEAST 8 slides and MUST include an

§  Each slide must include AT LEAST 2-3 bullet points and have an image that helps to explain the slide. Each slide must also include a heading. ( a title or question)

§  The Slideshow must include a Works Cited Slide at the end of the Slideshow. (MLA Format).

§  You must use at least 3 different sources when you research for information.

§  Each slide MUST be proofread and checked for spelling and grammar errors.

§  Each group can have a MAXIMUM of 3 people. Every group member will be assigned a role and will be graded based on their participation and effort.

Essay Outline
      I.         Introduction (Discuss your candidate’s political background) How did they become the presidential nominee for their party?

    II.         Provide background about one political issue. Why is this issue controversial? What is your candidate’s stance on this issue?

  III.         Provide background about a SECOND political issue. Why is this issue controversial? What is your candidate’s stance on this issue?

                    Conclusion – What did you learn about your candidate’s political philosophy? Do you agree with your candidate’s stances? Why? Why Not?

                                                       SAMPLE SLIDE

Sample PowerPoint Outline

1)    Introduction – Discuss your candidate. What is their political stance? What do they hope to accomplish as president?

2)    Define your political issue. What is the controversy behind this issue?  What do Liberals and Conservatives believe about this issue?

3)    What is your candidate’s point of view on this issue? Why do they support or oppose this issue?

4)    Has your candidate always held this position on this issue? What were their early positions on this issue?

5) If your candidate wins, what will they do about this issue? What do they hope to accomplish?

 6) Conclusion – What did you learn about this issue? The candidate’s position? What is your position on this issue? Has your position changed? How?

  7)    Works Cited – List your sources.

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